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Make America Great Again, One Decision at a Time

Schools and churches want to participate in the Make America Great Again movement, but it might seem like a daunting task. What can each small group do in order to make any kind of a difference? The answer is EVERYTHING. Just like every small voter in rural America makes a difference in a presidential election, so too does your church or school on the American economy.

Step one is to hire American. This is easier than you think, since there are still plenty of qualified and talented Americans ready to work for you. This includes services that have started to be outsourced, like accountant or web designer. Even if you want to use a free or cheap self-help web design option, find out where your investment is going and who will be answering your questions when they arise.

Next, get products from America. Innovation is not dead here. For example, the Cranium Chromebook Protector and Whiteboard was developed right here in America and works better than Chinese plastic to protect your Chromebooks (good luck finding any computer made in America).

Finally, as an American, realize that your vote and your money matter. From where you invest to where you buy your groceries. Support local farmers and local manufacturers. Find out where you can buy local and buy American, and we can work together to make America Great Again.