Adobe Spry has not been supported since 2012. I would guess the website is slightly older than that, back before mobile-friendly websites were a concern or possibility, but the copyright says 2012. I'd call this a unique website built on an obscure platform. While that probably makes it safer from the gaze of hackers, it also makes it safer from searches finding the content.
According to Google, the Family Adventure and Recreational Ministry website is not mobile-friendly. Here are the reasons given by Google:
- Viewport not set
- Text too small to read
- Content wider than screen
Other Issues
This one is HUGE: the LCMS main website links out to, which results in a "Server not Found" error. I am not sure how many people will bother to search separately like I did if the link is wrong. When you add in the fact that the website looks about a decade old, those who might be seeking the services offered might assume the company is out of business.
There's simply nothing on the website to indicate that anything has happened at FARM since 2012.
A Simplified Guide to Church Websites: Purpose, Planning, and Presentation